
Monday, July 29, 2013

Thermomix Kueh Ko Swee

Thermomix Kueh Ko Swee 蒸米糕
300g Palm Sugar 椰糖;
220g Brown Sugar 红糖;
460g Water 水;
3pcs Pandan Leaves 班兰叶;
* 10 minutes, 100°c,Thermomix Speed 1 (Reverse)
* Pour the cooked syrup out from TM Bowl and set aside.

350g Rice Flour 粘米粉;
220g Tapioca Flour 薯粉;
590g Water 水;
1.5tbsp of Alkaline Water 碱水;
*20 seconds, Thermomix Speed 4

Strain the cooked syrup gradually into the flour mixture through the lid hole and stir it;
* 2.5 minutes, 100°c,Thermomix Speed 2

Steam small empty cups for 5 minutes and fill the cups with the mixture to steam;
* 15 minutes, Varoma, Thermomix Speed 3

Set aside to cool before removing from the cups and coat evenly with Grated White Coconut白椰丝.

为了给八月十二日的大厨做好准备,小燕子今天在二姐的指导下,第一次尝试用Thermomix 制作人生中的第一个本地马来糕点。小燕子的哥哥尝了一口后,即刻竖起了拇指说:"弹性和口感太棒了!" Thermomix 又一次证明了它独一无二的功能!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Magical Thermomix @ Daddy Village Restaurant

今天,小燕子在峇株吧辖的一家非常有特色的餐厅 Daddy Village Restaurant 再次见证了神奇的Thermomix!

在短短的一个小时,我们神奇的 Thermomix 简直展现了峰回路转的功能,轻而易举地烹煮出一道又一道一般人都认为复杂又烦琐烹煮的美食。

最令人感动的不仅如此,而是当在场的朋友把美食放入口中咀嚼后的那一刻,是让人赞叹不已,赞不绝口的!这就是 Thermomix 让小燕子爱不释手的原因了!

Thermomix Black Pepper Fried Udon; Claypot Chicken Rice; Honey Chicken & Batik Butter Cake

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Gift of Love 一份爱的礼物

Little Swallow's door bell rang at noon today...

A very close friend whom little swallow treated as a younger sister specially mailed a gift home from France and asked her mother to send the gift personally to little swallow's house. A note was attached with the gift, and the content was written as follow:
Dear Lim Family who always treat me as one of the family members:
Thank you very much for the Sambal Dried Prawn, it is indeed the warmest gift for me...

Thermomix has helped us to maintain our priceless friendship though we are living far from each other. Thermomix allows our love flow between Malaysia and France, this is so wonderful and fantastic!


Thermomix 制作的虾米辣椒,让我们虽然身处异地,却还是能够维系我们之间无价的友情,甚至让我们的感情更加坚固。礼轻情意重,Thermomix 让我们之间的爱流转于马来西亚和法国之间,这是多么美妙的一件事!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thermomix Teochew Onee

Thermomix Teochew Onee 潮州芋泥
600g Yam 芋头 (切块);
400g Water 水;
80g Ginkgo 白果 (place them on the Varoma Tray to be steamed)
* 15 minutes, Varoma, Thermomix Speed 2

* Remove the Varoma set after 15 minutes

100g Brown Sugar 红糖;
30g Cooking Oil 食油;
*1 minute, Thermomix Speed 0-10

* Serve Teochew Onee with Ginkgo



在认识了神奇的 Thermomix 后,一切的难题都迎刃而解了,甚至超乎一般人的想象,更令人不可思议的是所有品尝过由 Thermomix 烹煮的芋泥的人都是竖起拇指,赞叹不已!然后这些人都不假思索地决定把 Thermomix 给带回家去了!

一道潮州芋泥就可以让这么多人回味无穷,而且轻而易举地爱上了 Thermomix,它往后可以带给大家的惊喜更是让人难以估计!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thermomix Sesame Ginger Pork

Sesame Ginger Pork 麻油姜丝猪肉片
5pcs Garlic 蒜头;
* 5 seconds,  Thermomix Speed 5 (Reverse)

30g Ginger 姜丝;
20g Sesame Oil 麻油;
* 2 minutes, 100°c, Thermomix Speed 2 (Reverse)

500g Sliced Pork 猪肉片 (marinated with Dark Sauce 酱油,Oyster Sauce 蚝油 & Sesame Oil 麻油);
50g Water 水;
1 tsp of Sugar 糖;
* 5 minutes, 100°c, Thermomix Speed 0.5 (Reverse)





Saturday, July 6, 2013

Thermomix Lek Tow Suan

Thermomix Lek Tow Suan 绿豆爽
250g Peeled Green Beans 绿豆(soaked for 5 hours and place them into Varoma Tray);
200g Sugar 糖;
1500g Water 水;
4pcs Pandan Leaves 班兰叶;
* Add these ingredients into TM bowl and place the Varoma Tray with peeled green beans on top
* 20 minutes, Varoma, Thermomix Speed 2 (Reverse)

60g Sago 西米;
250g Steamed Green Beans (transfer them from Varoma Tray to TM Bowl);
* 8 minutes, 100°c, Thermomix Speed 1 (Reverse)

* Serve the Lek Tow Suan with Yao Char Kwai 油条



今天,小燕子尝试用厨房万能机,Thermomix 以快速、简便的方式,低温烹煮出这道人人称道的绿豆爽。我们不但不用加入玉蜀黍粉(Corn Flour),更可以放心地加入高温难以烹煮的西米(Sago), 简直是太棒了!


Friday, July 5, 2013

Thermomix Lo Mai Gai

Thermomix Lo Mai Gai 糯米鸡
8pcs Garlic 蒜头;
8pcs Shallot 葱头;
* 5 seconds, Thermomix Speed 7

Add in 20g Sesame Oil 麻油;
* 2 minutes, 100°c, Thermomix Speed 2

Add in 300g Glutinous Rice 糯米 (soaked for 6 hours);
20g Dark Sauce 黑酱油;
20g Oyster Sauce 蚝油;
1tsp of Salt 盐;
1tsp of Sugar 糖;
* 3 minutes, 100°c, Thermomix Speed 1 (Reverse)

Take out all ingredients from TM bowl and place them into the basket.
Insert the basket into TM bowl and add in water to cover the glutinous rice.
* 15 minutes, Varoma, Thermomix Speed 3

Prepare small bowls with the following ingredients:
1pc of Chicken 鸡肉块 (marinated with Dark Sauce, Oyster Sauce and Sugar);
1pc of Mushroom 香菇;
1pc of Dachshund 腊肠;
Oyster Sauce, Sesame Oil, Sugar and Water (少许);
Place all small bowls onto Varoma Tray
* During the last 5 minutes, place Varoma Tray on top of TM Bowl to steam

Take out the cooked glutinous rice and place them into the small bowls (Varoma Tray) to steam.
* 10 minutes, Varoma, Thermomix Speed 3


果然不出我们所料,Thermomix 不仅仅帮我们完成心愿,更让我们一家大小欢喜地聚在一起品尝美味又健康的食品,真是太幸福了!